Monday, September 13, 2010

Cracked Heels Symptoms

cracked skin on the feet is simply a pesky symptom of harsh, dry weather. It seems right to us that using heavy creams and lotions will give our feet relief from the problem, but many cracked heels require more aggressive treatment.

Moreover, diet is an important component of effective remedies for cracked heels. It is important to make sure that it contains calcium, iron, zinc and omega-3 fats. For instance, one can make dietary changes that incorporate foods like peanuts to get zinc and milk to get calcium. Omega-3 fats can be found in fish or flax seed oil.

Symptoms of cracked heels-The person who is having heel cracks may have red and flaky patches on the feet's skin. The skin started peeling and itching also occurs in the area. In the extreme conditions bleeding occurs from the cracks.

The best cracked heel treatment methods are only effective when the cracked heel condition is addressed in its early stage. Many treatment methods usually call for moisturizers and lotions for mild to moderate cracked heel ailments since cracking is usually caused by severely dry skin.

Cracked Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Use a pumice stone to reduce the thickness of the hard skin.

2. Avoid wearing open backed shoes or thin soled shoes.

3. Wear shoes with a good shock absorbing sole.

4. Avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes

Heel Tastic is surely an answer to all the problems related to the heels. It is a product made for the usage of all sections of the people. Heel Tastic is a product worth buying because it does not cost you much but still you enjoy a lot. It is a product that is meant for every human being and every age group.

Are you looking for a natural treatment for cracked heels? This can be a very embarrassing skin condition. If you have dry and cracked skin on your heels that is preventing you from wearing sandals, then you need to learn about some of the best kinds of treatments for it.

There are basically four ingredients to look for in a foot cream that will guarantee to elimination of cracked heels. Super Sterol Liquid, which is a healing cholesterol based ingredient, will not only heal the damaged heels, but rebuild your skin's natural protective layer.

Pumice stones are commonly used for exfoliation and removal of tough, dry skin from heels and feet. Combined with a shower or washing, the skin is consistently moisturized throughout the steady removal process. There are also foot scrubs or creams that have been formulated to remove dry skin easily, and these are readily available online as well as in several establishments.

Underlying causes of dry, cracked skin can be diagnosed and eventually given the proper treatment regimen by a professional specialist. A little research may also help in finding ideas that lead to the best cracked heal treatment and, once cured, eventual maintenance of skin.

There is a large number of people who think that it's quite difficult to get an effective natural cure for cracked heels. These natural based treatments don't actually require any type of professional pedicures. These unnecessary pedicures could cost a lot of money.

Other causes include standing for long periods of time, misalignment of the bones, flat or highly arched feet, athlete's foot, and the wearing of improperly-fitted shoes. Medical conditions can also lead to heel fissures.

Heel Tastic comprises of natural ingredients, which contain the anti- bacterial and anti-fungal agents. These agents nullify the effect of bacteria in the dry skin and cure the root tissue, which causes the dryness and cracks the skin.

Try using olive oil. This contains very potent moisturizing properties. It softens up the calluses on your feet. Rub olive oil on the affected areas of your feet. You can insulate the oil by wrapping clear Glad wrap around your feet.

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Dysentery Symptoms

Dysentery can be transmitted in human through the food. When we leave our food uncovered the flies come and leak them with the moist materials that remain in their mouths after feeding on the decayed materials they carry bacteria with them that causes dysentery. Flies like moist places and are attracted to smell of fermenting materials.

In many cases dysentery can be treated with amoebicides, antibiotics, and various rehydration treatments. To eradicate the dysentery epidemic, especially in developing and impoverished countries, solutions such as having access to clean water, hand soap, good hygiene education and promotion, and the installation and maintenance of sewage systems and treatment facilities are the most effective strategies.

Home Remedies for dysentery:

1. Avoid high fiber foods like whole grain cereals, whole pulses with husk.

2. In case of chronic diarrhea, the water and mineral losses have to be replenished, the nutritional requirements have to be met, and motions have to be reduced.

3. In case of chronic diarrhea, protein intake is doubled, carbohydrate is also increased but fat has to be decreased. Mineral losses have to be supplemented.

4. Avoid fried fatty foods. Also do not eat spices, pickles, chutneys and strongly flavored vegetables like cabbage, turnip, radish, capsicum, onion and garlic.

5. Also avoid raw vegetables and foods, excluding banana, pomegranate and papaya.


In the tropics the amebic dysentery patient usually does not complain of diarrhea but complains of abdominal discomfort, especially after meals. Upon examination the doctor notices that the patient's abdomen is tender along the course of the colon, especially along the sigmoid or lower right side.

It is an acute bacterial disease of the intestines caused by several species of the bacterium, Shigella. It is typified by loose stools, frequently containing blood and mucus (dysentery), accompanied by fever, vomiting, cramps and occasionally toxemia.

Typically the progress of the affection is slow and insidious. The patient looks thin with fair hair and dark eyelashes. He can also be pink and white with dark hair. The facial expressions are quite tense and nervous - almost like he is full of fears that are manifested through each and every body posture, movement and gestures. These are shy people who lack confidence.

Cranesbill has been traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections and mild diarrhoea. It has also been used externally as a styptic, to cure slow-healing wounds, eczema and mucosal inflammations. Cranesbill has also been used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, heavy menstrual bleeding, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

A nicer bunch of people you will not find together except perhaps on a Sunday school picnic! So, you choose the one you like the best, or you give it to the single mom to help her, or the young couple with the puppy - and then when all hell breaks loose - and you act surprised - well duh.

This parasitic cause of traveler's diarrhea is found basically worldwide; however tends to be more common in the tropics and in areas with questionable sanitation and poor nutrition. In Africa, Asia and Central and South America is where the majority of illness and deaths tend to occur.

Garlic liniment should be rubbed into your skin to relieve muscular stiffness and pain when suffering from rheumatism, strained ligaments, arthritis, psoriasis and inflammation. In addition, the liniment improves circulation of blood. Lightly squeeze 4-5 cloves of garlic and infuse them with 2.5 glasses of apple cider vinegar and half a glass of gin. Mix the paste thoroughly. Fill a glass jar with the mix and cover it up.

cirrhosis of liver and all sorts liver troubles. It was also used as a specific remedy for heart-­attack and thrombosis. Musumbi juice was also used as a sure remedy for anemia, fever, bronchitis, general debility, small-pox, prostate gland disorders, kidney disorders and uterine troubles.

Graviola is an ever green tree growing in the Amazon region of Brazil and in other countries that are touched by the Amazon Forest. It also grows in the tropical rainforest of North America. He grows up to 15 meter high covered with green, long and glossy leaves. His divine fruit is green sometimes a bit yellow shining, has the form of a human heart with a skin looking kind like a big cactus.

But within a week, the honey and bananas, or something, did of course cure the dysentery, and I wouldn't have been disappointed to never see a banana or honey again, or an outhouse!

The prevalence of Giardia in human stool specimens submitted for examination ranges from 2% to 5% in industrialized countries, and from 20% to 30% in developing countries. From 1979 through 1988, an estimated 4,600 hospitalizations per year in the United States resulted from severe Giardiasis (the disease caused by Giardia) and its complications.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Measles Symptoms

Measles is caused by a virus of the influenza family. The initial measles symptoms are a bit like a bad cold or flu, but with a rash! The vast majority of parents do not know what measles really is, other than being a childhood illness. They know it has a rash and is infectious, but that's about it.

Measles is one of the most highly contagious diseases known, and it is carried through the air. A child can contract measles and not have any symptoms anywhere from seven to ten day. In an area where nearly everyone has not been vaccinated this statistic has a catastrophic effects. In Africa they live in cramped areas, many times sharing a bed with a brother or sister.

Measles symptoms:

1. First a runny nose and a 'sniffle', followed by a sore throat.. A typical 'barking' cough can then develop. So far, you would not think 'measles' The eyes will puff up, may become watery and get red and sore looking.

2. A slight increase in temperature will develop, and will increase to around 39 Celsius (102F). The child may shy away from the light or close her eyes when a light is switched on.

3. You may not notice this, but about 2 to 3 days after the first symptoms appear, your child will get small spots on the inside of the cheek, round about the molars, called Koplik's Spots.

4.The temperature will probably have reduced a bit by now to 37 - 38C (just at or below 100F). You think perhaps she is getting better.

Causes for Measles:

1-Personal contact is the main cause of measles because it is a contagious disease.

2-Droplets from coughs and sneezes

3-Immunodeficiency due to HIV/AIDS


5-Vitamin A deficiency will lead to the condition of measles.

Measles antibodies cross the placenta and protect the infant during the first 6-10 months of life. Vaccination with then live virus fails to take during this period, and measles immunization should be deferred until 15 months of age. This applies both to monova-lent measles vaccine and to combined measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.

The best way to treat a measles rash is to use a cortisone cream or calamine lotion to relieve itching. Ibuprofen or aspirin may be taken to reduce fever along with plenty of fluids and bed rest. There is no actual cure but it can be prevented with a vaccine. The Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine can be given to children as young a one year.

Mainstream medicine doesn't have a specific treatment for German measles, and instead focuses on managing the symptoms and easing discomfort. Since the duration of the symptoms is usually short, bed rest and lots of fluids will help. Other remedies, such as herbal teas, aromatherapy and homeopathic medicines, can ease symptoms and speed up healing.

While every vaccine, including measles, has potential side-effects, these are rare events. Health experts strongly advise that the risks of harm from routine vaccinations are much less than the risks of not having immunity to various communicable diseases.

Prevention is through vaccination. The MMR vaccine was first licensed for use in 1971. This vaccine should be given in two doses at 12-15 months and the second at 4-6 years. Some adults should get one dose of the vaccine if they were born after 1956 and have no record of having the diseases or vaccinations.

There is no cure for measles,so the best approach is to prevent people from getting infected, by vaccinating them before they are exposed to the virus.

Measles per se is not necessarily deadly. It only becomes fatal when certain complications are not avoided. Bacterial infections such as ear infections, pneumonia, and tuberculosis are the common complications. If not attended immediately and properly, measles infection may deteriorate the body's immune system and lead to continuous complications.

Measles have been one of the most frequent of the childhood diseases. The condition is quite infectious, and is accompanied usually by a rash, with fever, cough, and inflamed eyes. Measles are caused by a specific virus which spreads easily from one person to another.

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Syphilis Treatment

Syphilis is an STD or sexually transmitted disease or STI or sexually transmitted infection. When syphilis is left untreated, it can develop into a late stage that can bring about more complications and health problems. There are two types of syphilis infection that could occur. One is active, where symptoms are manifested, and inactive, where no symptoms are noticeable at all.

Syphilis is caused by the transmission of the bacterium Treponema pallidum. You can catch syphilis by being in direct contact with a syphilis chancre (or sore) located on the mouth, lips, external genitals, vagina, anus or rectum of another person. The bacterium can be transmitted by vaginal, anal or oral sex.

In Syphilis treatment, antibiotics are an efficient cure for the infection. The antibiotic of preference is penicillin; as the dosage and how it's administered, either into a muscle or into a vein, relies on the phase of syphilis. Doxycycline may be utilized as a substitute treatment in persons who are sensitive to penicillin.

Congenital syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease present in-utero and at birth, and happens when a child is born from a mother with syphilis. Uncured syphilis fallouts in an elevated danger of a dreadful result of pregnancy, which includes Mulberry molars in the fetus.

After the secondary stage, syphilis can progress to its symptoms-free phase. This is what's known as the latent stage. The latent stage can last for 20 or more years but even if a person has not gone through it, the third and last stage of the disease may still be achieved.

Syphilis comes in many stages; though it is treatable, untreated syphilis can be of danger. Untreated syphilis can be transferred in various forms, it can be sexually, non -sexually, congenitally, etc. Untreated syphilis can cause death as well. Syphilis can mimic certain diseases, allowing it to gain the name as the great imitator.

Syphilis symptoms at its initial stage reveal an ulcer known as chancre. The chancre mainly appears two to six weeks after exposure that may extend to as long as three months. The chancre is often painless that could manifest inside the body and may remain unnoticed. It is normally observed on the vagina, penis, vulva, tongue, lips and other parts of the body that were exposed to an infected ulcer.


The most direct means of preventing a syphilis infection is to abstain from sexual intercourse. This is followed by being in a sexually monogamous relationship with a previously tested partner, and then by requiring all sexual partners to be tested for syphilis.

Syphilis sores are the first stage of this disease. However, even though there are no sores present, you may still be contagious. After the doctor confirms the presence of syphilis you and anyone you have had sexual relations with will need to be tested and treated.

Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by different bacteria or viruses. Not everyone knows the important information that can help prevent the occurrence of such diseases; there are varying details that can be confusing and misleading.

Signs of Syphilis consist of the first sign of syphilis which is often a small, firm, round ulcer known as chancre, at the area where the bacterium penetrated your body. Further signs and symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes in your groin, fever, positive serology, and extra-genital chancres that occur most frequently above the neck, usually affecting the oral cavity or lips, soreness and aching.

A bacterium called treponema pallidum causes syphilis. It spreads from one person to another by any type of sexual contact. The bacteria pass when there is an open sore on any part of the contact. Any sexual activity that brings another person in contact with the open sore will pass on the syphilis.

Intramuscular injection as a single injection is already an adequate treatment for both primary and secondary syphilis. This treatment regime has been proven more user-friendly as opposed to the original ten-day use of intramuscular procaine penicillin.

The disease can be detected through a simple STD screening that includes examining cells from a lesion or chancre in the first two stages of syphilis, and blood tests during any stage of syphilis. If detected during the first year, a single shot of penicillin will eradicate the disease and prevent further damage.

The transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is a topic of interest to many people. Because such diseases can be very troublesome and in some cases, particularly those that involve HIV, deadly, it is vital that everyone get educated about them - how they are acquired or transmitted and how they can be avoided and treated.

It is a contagion which is caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria. The syphilis manifestations rely on each stage of the infection. There are many people who never had any signs. In wide viewpoint, the probable symptoms of this infection are painless sores and inflammation of lymph nodes which are considered part of primary syphilis.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Histoplasmosis Symptoms

Histoplasmosis (also known as Darling's disease) is a systemic fungal disease that can range in severity from symptom-free to minor self-limited to life threatening illnesses. Infection is quite common but clinical disease is not.

Symptoms of histoplasmosis may include:

1-Discomfort feeling.
2-Bloody spitting.
6-Muscles pain.
7-Joint pain.


Most forms of treatments for fungal infections will be in the form of anti-fungal treatments and the supportive care. But if it does disseminate, it will require that you give these anti-fungal drugs for an extended period of time to your cat and they are very expensive.

Histoplasmosis is contracted when you inhale the dust that carries the fungal spores. Its effect on the body can vary widely in severity from one person to another depending upon their immune system. People can be carriers and have no symptoms at all. Others can experience flu-like symptoms and mild respiratory infections.

Most individuals affected by this condition do not require treatment, since the infection is usually self-limiting. Ayurvedic treatment can be given in case of prolonged or disseminated infection, and in individuals with an immunocompromised status. Treatment is aimed at reducing the symptoms and boosting the immune status of the body.


Histoplasmosis is produced by a microscopic dimorhous fungus Histoplasma capsulatum . The fungus produces spores that can be inhaled when they get into the air. Spores are hardy forms of the fungus that can live in the environment for a long time.


Your cat's immune system can fight off most feline fungi infections, but it can also be overrun if weak or compromised. However, there are supplements as well as natural remedies to help your cat with these infections. Zinc is a natural fungi supplement that helps to increase your cat's immune system to fungi.

Histoplasmosis that is obtained from inhaling spores in bat guano can be very dangerous. It causes eye problems, liver problems, skin issues, intestinal problems, and can even affect the bone marrow and adrenal glands. At any stage, it can go on to produce vision loss as a result of developing into an ocular disease.

Histoplasmosis and rabies can both be fatal if left untreated. Also, the longer you are exposed to bats, the more likely it is that you'll contract a disease from them. That's why it is imperative that you get rid of bats as soon as you find out that you have them.

One important thing is it must be out of the weather. The inside of an attic or cave makes for some of the best locations that are out of the wind and rain. Air flow is equally important. Bats love to select areas where the air flows across their bodies keeping them cool.

Another useful aspect of bats is their feces (called guano). Guano has an abundant amount of nitrogen, making it a wonderful fertilizer. Certain enzymes can be extracted from bat guano and used in laundry detergent and other cleaning products.

The primary role of a wildlife management professional is to stop a problem from happening, and the best way to do this is by helping homeowners prevent it from happening in the first place.

Look for unusual brown or grey stains in areas where bats might potentially enter the home. These entry points may be attic vents, cracks and holes under rotted eaves, where a chimney meets the house and openings where the pipes and wiring enter the house.

Seagull wires are also one of those great add-ons. These are basically long metal wires with mounted springs on each end. When a gull lands on the wires, the spring will bounce up and down, creating a feeling of instability.

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Diphtheria Symptoms

Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection. It usually affects the nose and throat and causes a bad sore throat, swollen glands, fever and chills. It is caused by a bacteria named Corynebacterium diphtheriae. But the hallmark sign is a thick, gray covering in the back of your throat that can make breathing difficult.

There are many symptoms and specific characteristics of diphtheria. Apart from sore throat, swollen lymph nodes on neck, increased body temperature, and difficulty in breathing there are other signs also like low blood pressure, nasal secretions, pain in throat while swallowing, increased heart rate, chills. The symptoms in children are nausea, high fever, chills, and vomiting. In some cases, children do not show any signs and symptoms of diphtheria.

Causes of Diphtheria:

This bacterium which causes Diphtheria is transmitted through intimate contact or by respiratory droplets which is airborne from convalescing patients. Contaminated objects such as contaminated milk can also transmit the disease. It is a rare situation that the food contaminated by the bacterium would infect others. The toxin produced by the bacterium causes serious complications which would lead to the failure of kidneys, nervous system, heart etc.

Diphtheria can be treated and cured successfully with antitoxin and antibiotics if started early enough.

The prevention of diphtheria is through vaccination. The vaccination schedule is the same as for tetanus (see previous article). Immunity does wane after a period of time and re-vaccination should be done at least every 10 years.

Diphtheria is treated with two types of medications namely antibiotics and antitoxins. Antibiotic treatment is usually with penicillins or macrolides.

The best way to prevent diphtheria is to keep updated with vaccinations. A booster shot is also needed whenever you are travelling to places where diphtheria is endemic.

The treatment of diphtheria is of the greatest importance since the prompt giving of enough antitoxin will prevent spread to important nerves or other tissues of the body. Most dangerous is spread of the membrane into the larynx and serious interference with breathing. Recent research has shown the ability of penicillin to control the growth of the diphtheria germ and, conceivably, antibiotic treatment may eventually replace other forms of treatment.

Varicella- Varicella- more frequently referred to as chickenpox- is a disease that can be spread through the air or through contact with fluid from chickenpox blisters. The varicella vaccine protects against chickenpox.

Congestive heart failure simply means congestion in veins. It is a form of heart failure in which the heart is unable to pump away the blood returning to it fast enough, causing congestion in the veins.

If you plan to get pregnant, and you do not have immunity to measles, mumps and rubella or to chickenpox you should get immunized. If you are pregnant currently, discuss immunizations with your doctor. Most physicians prefer to wait until after the baby is born to give the vaccinations.

Preventing illnesses and diseases like Polio, Hepatitis A, Diphtheria, and whooping cough, baby vaccinations are an important part of keeping baby healthy for her entire lifetime. Many vaccines must be given in a series.

In the end of the 19th century in the summer period, the most significant source of communication and transportation link between the port cities was a steamship. In wintertime, when the biggest ports like Nome became icebound and the steamship usage as a source of transport link with other sea ports was useless.

The most common travel-acquired illness after diarrhea which can put you out of action for weeks. Havrix is a vaccination which provides long term immunity (possibly more than 10 years) after an initial injection and a booster at six to 12 months.

For women, there are a variety of health screening tests that help ensure your health is on the right track. For instance, a thyroid test should first be taken at age 35. Your blood pressure should be checked regularly, no less than every two years.

Never mind that the United Kingdom Medical Research Council condemned Dr. Wakefield's report. Never mind that other medical researchers from around the globe found fault with his research methods. Never mind that subsequent well-designed statistically significant studies failed to show any link between MMR and autism.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hysterectomy Recovery

Hysterectomy is defined as the surgical removal of the vital organ called the uterus. Most hysterectomies are performed on women between the ages of 20 and 49. In the United States, the rate of hysterectomy is higher among African-American women and is higher in the Southern states. There are 600,000 hysterectomies performed in the United States every year.

While there is controversy in some quarters regarding the advisability or need for a hysterectomy, this mostly comes from those who are not having problems. For women who are bleeding frequently and excessively, or who are having pain from fibroid tumors or endometriosis, or who are having any number of other conditions that interfere with their lives in a major way, hysterectomy is not a choice, but a necessity.

hysterectomy recovery:

1. Take all the pain relievers your doctor has prescribed. You will want to be as comfortable as possible during your recovery time after hysterectomy.

2. Keep sanitary pads handy since you may have some discharge and bloody drainage for several days after your abdominal hysterectomy.

3. Use a heating pad over your abdomen and another under it, if necessary. Be careful and do not sleep with a heating pad in direct contact with the skin because doing so can burn you.

Testosterone deficiency in women causes low sex drive, low energy levels, thyroid deficiency and depression. Normal testosterone production requires sufficient progesterone levels in a woman's body, according to Dr. Lee. And estrogen levels will decrease in one or two years, and estrogen deficiency can result in vaginal dryness, hot flashes and night sweats.

There is a hormone health test provided by a leading women's health clinic that you can take online. The test takes just a few minutes and is free. The women's clinic has helped tens of thousands of women safely deal with hormone imbalance and related health issues.

Hysterectomy has become increasingly controversial in recent years. Still, for women who have chronic reproductive diseases, hysterectomy may represent the best solution to their problems. Those who suffer from non-malignant maladies may want to consider laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy as it is far less invasive.

Types of Hysterectomy:

1. Abdominal hysterectomy - this is carried out by making a cut (incision) in the abdomen and removing the uterus.

2. Vaginal hysterectomy - the uterus is removed through the vagina. It is ideal for cases of uterine prolapse and for removal of a moderate-sized uterus.

3. Laparoscopic hysterectomy - here the uterus is removed with a laparoscope. This allows smaller incisions to be made.

You may check if your health insurance covers the cost of this procedure, especially if the hysterectomy is health-related. In this case, you can ask your doctor to recommend a hysterectomy as a necessary procedure for the treatment of your illness.

Laparoscopic hysterectomies are appropriate for only some conditions, such as small-medium uterine fibroid removal, and less serious cases of unusual bleeding and endometriosis. Women who have a uterus which has grown beyond normal size may not be suitable candidates for this procedure.

Hysterectomy Surgery is when the uterus (womb) is removed and it may or may not include the removal of the fallopian tubes also as well as one or both of the ovaries. Whilst just the removal of a tube and ovary is known as a salpingo-oophorectomy, the removal of both tubes and ovaries is called bi-lateral salpingo-oophorectomies (BSO).

A vaginal hysterectomy is a surgery that will be preformed if a woman has medical conditions that make it necessary. All other options to treat the condition will be done before surgery will be recommended. If the uterus is enlarged this type will not be possible because in vaginal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through the vagina.

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